
Colorado After the Fire

Several wildfires are burning or have burned in our state this season. As a result, many homes have been damaged or destroyed. Therefore, we offer this step-by-step recovery guide from Property Casualty Insurers of America and Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association. This valuable guide contains steps to help anyone impacted by fire or another natural disaster.

Colorado-After the Fire, Step-by-Step Guide to Home Insurance Claim Recovery Guide

The guide will answer common questions about the insurance settlement process and steps to take when dealing with contractors.

Topics included are:

  • Assess Damage and Contact Insurance Company
  • Is your home a total or partial loss?
  • Working with an Adjuster
  • Scope of Work
  • Working with your Mortgage Holder
  • Insurance Payments and Types of Coverage
  • Evaluating Insurance Needs
  • Finding a Contractor

Information is also provided about what to do if things aren’t going well for you in the process.

To read about protecting your home during wildfire season, see this article on our site.