September is Life Insurance Month
During Life Insurance Awareness Month, we at Colorado Farm Bureau Insurance like to encourage our policyholders to review their current life insurance policy.
As the late, great David Bowie said, “Pretty soon now you’re gonna get older.” One of the best ways to deal with aging, or any kind of change, is to accept and embrace it. That way, we can properly prepare for what’s to come. By accepting that our families need financial protection from an unexpected death, we can make the wise decision to prepare for it.

This year, Brooke Shields spoke about the importance of these kinds of preparations during COVID-19:
If you’re like me, you’re probably trying to reevaluate this ‘new normal’ we’re all living in, but at times, it’s hard to know what day of the week it is, or even how to make plans for the future.
But, one thing has stayed the same: how important my family is and how to protect them and keep them healthy. What is front and center for me right now is protecting my family financially. We’ve come face-to-face with the reality that the unexpected can happen at any time. That’s the bottom line.
We’re all looking for ways to make sure that our families would be okay financially if something happened to us. That is what life insurance is for. The need has never been more obvious, and the time for you to get life insurance is now. It’s an easy step you can take today from your house. Do it for you, do it for your family.
About an Annual Review Appointment
During a short annual appointment with your agent, you’ll go over your policy and any recent life changes. This kind of good financial hygiene is necessary, especially after any significant life event. After any large life event, your policy may need to be adjusted. Some of those life events may include:
- Buying a new home
- Retirement
- Death of a beneficiary
- Birth of a child
- Children starting college
- Marriage
About Our Life Insurance
Colorado Farm Bureau Insurance offers two types of policies in addition to our retirement and estate planning services: whole and term life insurance. The type of insurance that you choose is dependent on your coverage needs, how much you want to spend on a premium, and other considerations. Visit “How to Choose a Life Insurance Policy” for more information.
Determining What You Need
Your agent is an expert on determining the life insurance coverage needs, but you can also make an estimate for yourself by using our Life Insurance Financial Calculator. Use the calculator to help prepare for your appointment.
Schedule Your Appointment
If you already have a Farm Bureau Insurance Agent, give them a call or email to schedule your appointment. Our agents are taking all necessary precautions at their offices to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but your review can also be done over the phone. To find a local agent near you, search by zip code, city, or county using our Agent Finder.